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This is what John Wanamaker, one of the largest retail merchants in America in the late 1800’s once said…

I quoted this to my team when we were having a meeting on how to promote an upcoming exhibition for a client.

You see, we use a lot of different media to promote this event. And we test all these media – vigorously.

We asked every visitor when they come to the exhibition how they heard about it.

When a visitor downloads a ticket, they have to tell us how they got there.

We study our analytics, we can see which links are working and those that aren’t.

We use different direct dial numbers that are exclusive to specific ads.

We use different web links for specific promotions… The list goes on…

And after we’ve done all this – at best, like Mr Wanamaker – I know we’re still only 50% right. Should I be happy with 50%? Dam right I am.

Earlier this year we promoted a different exhibition and we added radio to our marketing mix – the results were there to see. Home run.

So now because of this “new media success” we are adding radio to promote this exhibition, but we haven’t taken anything else out – just trimmed here and there. Always testing, monitoring and tweaking.

Whenever developers change or modify their software, even a small tweak can have unexpected consequences. Automated regression testing is testing existing software applications to make sure that a change or addition hasn’t broken any existing functionality.

Are you doing the same with your marketing? Or do you just leave it to chance?
Times have changed, research into your business or your product can now be done, on the smart phone, anywhere. Buying decisions are now made long before a phone call to you is made or a visit to your store is done.

And whilst when asked, most customers will say to you “I found you on Google”
Remember this – unless you appear on page one of Google for the product you sell, or you are running a pay per click campaign, or there is another direct link to your site that you can measure and is directly accountable – something else got them there.

This is why perhaps that most traditional medias are often bypassed in favour of online medias and I can see why, online marketing allows you to monitor every single click, every like, every visit, there is a reason why people look for the best Los Angeles Facebook Ads Company. You can get a much more accurate feedback from online marketing and because you only “pay per click” and likes are “free” you may feel as though none of your marketing is being wasted.

If only that were true. Google Adwords has made it very easy for you to get visitors to your website, but at a cost and that cost is rising and if you want a good ROI (Return on Investment) you must constantly split test your account, research and fine tune. Do it well, build a good lead generator on your site, create a good follow up sequence and you can build a system using Adwords that will constantly bring you a stream of new customers on auto pilot. Also make complete utilization of backlinking services, and Facebook advertising because that is how customers find you half the time. You’ll know your numbers, you’ll know your conversion rate, but you’ll never be 50% right. You should also try to connect your Google My Business accounts and manage GMB properties from one dashboard as suggected at

No I’m afraid, getting your marketing right 100% of the time is something that people like me and you will strive to attain 100 years from now. But if you know, really know your market, develop a strong message, test different media and develop a system for converting enquiries into customers you’ll know your numbers, you’ll know your cost to acquire a customer (and there is always a cost). Then you’ll have a starting point on which to improve on. And if you’re looking to take your existing eCommerce business to the next level, you can read eCom babes reviews here.

Website Marketing

Website Marketing

1 – There’s no sales funnel

• One of the biggest mistakes web designers do when creating a web site, is focus on the look of a site without giving thought to what they want a visitor to do.
• If you want customers to take a certain action, you need to create a sales funnel intended to guide them where you want them to go.
• Creating a clear conversion path not only helps customers feel more comfortable on your site, it also gives you clear data to track so that you can see where people are abandoning, where they’re engaging, etc. The more data you have to act on, the better you can design your site to attract new customers.

2 – There’s no sign of life

• Visitors to your site can be very discriminating.
• They’re going to check your copyright date to see if it lists 2012 or 2006. They’re going to look for old statistics or other signs you haven’t taken the time to update your content. They’re going to check your company blog to see how often it’s updated, if you reply to comments, if people are talking back, etc.
• Your site should be dynamic; visitors need to feel as though they will get an answer to their problem if it isn’t apparent on the site.
•  Before your customers get there, take a look around yourself. Would you hang out with you?

3 – It’s all about you

• Customers don’t head to your site to hear how awesome you are.
• They’re there because they have a problem they need you to fix, a question they need you to answer, an itch they need to scratch.
• Your website should be designed to help them quickly achieve whatever it is they came for. Read this article to know how to do that. Having a great website design is only half the battle, if it does not generate enquiries or is not functional, then really what is the point of having one in the first place? The creativity of Website Design Perth and their point of difference based on understanding the true User Experience of a modern website.
• Too many references to “I” too much sales talk instead of helpful information, and too much of you not addressing their fears/wants/desires will turn people away from your brand, not on to it.
• Your customers don’t care about you how big your company is or how many employees you have –they care about how you can help them.

4 – People can’t find your site

• If you’re finding that customers aren’t interacting with your website at all, there are a few questions you need to ask yourself.
• Is your site search engine friendly, has it been submitted to the search engines.
• Are you advertising your site, anywhere?
• Is your domain name related to your company or your product?
• Simply having a website built and hosted online does will not guarantee a flood of interested
• Sometimes before you can see more traffic, you have to break through the obstacles preventing you from seeing any. Web 20 SEO provides a quick and easy way to earn backlinks, to get increased online exposure and more site traffic. GMB optimization services allow page optimization, promotions, and data-tailored decisions to ensure that results are delivered and goals are met.

5 – Visitors never come back…

• Continue the relationship with them after they have left your site
•  If you find that you are getting plenty of traffic to your site but no-one calls or sends in an enquiry.
• Firstly see the four reasons above.
• More often than not, people leave a site to either search for something similar, price check etc..
• They leave because they didn’t find the answer they were looking for.. Or their dinner is ready.
• You can maintain a relationship with your customers long after they have left by offering something of real value for them to download or access in exchange for their contact details.
Then you can continue the relationship.

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